About Me
Susan Harris Rimmer
Susan is an expert in women’s rights and international law. She was involved with the creation of the position of the Global Ambassador for Women and Girls; and supported the creation of the W20 summit in Turkey, and the C20 in Australia (civil society grouping giving policy advice to the G20). She was Australia’s representative to the W20 in Turkey 2015, China 2016 and Germany 2017.
Susan Harris Rimmer’s top ten career highlights include:
- 2021 winner of the Fulbright Scholarship in Australian-United States Alliance Studies (funded by DFAT) hosted by Georgetown University in 2022.
- Named a Top Innovator by Uplink World Economic Forum for the Climate Justice Challenge in 2022 for the creation of the Climate Justice Observatory (www.climatejusticeobservatory.com.au) which was covered by a Guardian Australia exclusive.
- Awarded an Australian Research Council Future Fellow in 2014 and lead CI on an Australian Research Council Discovery project in 2020
- Won the Bertha Lutz Prize for research on women in diplomacy awarded by the International Studies Association (ISA) in 2021
- Provided the independent Human Rights Assessment for the FIFA Women’s World Cup Australia and NZ 2032 Bid in 2020 and was the Human Rights Adviser to GOLDOC for the 2018 Commonwealth Games.
- Named as one of the Gender Equality Top 100 The Most Influential People In Global Policy, Apolitical 2018
- Selected as an expert for the official Australian delegation to the 58th session of the UN Commission on the Status of Women 2014
- Nominated by Australian Government as the official Australian representative to the W20 Summit in Turkey, China and Germany, including keynote with Chancellor Merkel in Berlin.
- Appointed an Associate Fellow at UK think-tank Chatham House (the Royal Institute of International Affairs) in December 2015
- 1Appointed Visiting Fellow, International Gender Studies Programme, Lady Margaret Hall, Oxford University in 2016